Home Coronavirus Coverage Regulatory Agency and Selected Accreditor Resources for Higher Education Institutions Regarding COVID-19 Pandemic – JD Supra

Regulatory Agency and Selected Accreditor Resources for Higher Education Institutions Regarding COVID-19 Pandemic – JD Supra


By Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP

Higher education institutions worldwide are striving to meet their students’ educational needs while working to reduce and decelerate the spread of COVID-19, commonly known as the coronavirus. In view of guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other public health authorities, many educational institutions have moved to online instruction, extended their spring break, shortened or shifted their academic year, or have otherwise departed from the normal course of business.

Because of the highly regulated nature of higher education, it is important that institutions remain mindful of the statutory and regulatory constraints that continue to apply at this time. Recently, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) has provided updated guidance regarding the administration of the Title IV federal student aid programs, study abroad and other matters. Institutional accreditors are providing guidance regarding the transition to online coursework and are canceling upcoming site visits. Programmatic accreditors are also providing guidance relating to this public health emergency, including with respect to clinical coursework, which is often the capstone to programs in the health professions.

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